% example of integrating single ODE with matlab % A -> B essentially irreversible rxn in an isothermal, isobaric PFR % x is the dependent variable, fractional conversion of "A" % tau is the independent variable, space time % declare "global" variables whose values are shared with file "deriv01.m" global k k = 1; % set rate constant used in "deriv01.m" tauSpan = [1 10]; % set span of tau x0 = [0]; % set initial conversion % call ode45 integrator % 'deriv01' is defined in the file "deriv01.m" % this is a user-written "m" file containing the derivative equation [tau,x] = ode45('deriv01', tauSpan, x0); % all the integration is finished now, so plot and save results plot(tau,x) title('example of integrating one ODE') xlabel('tau (space time)') ylabel('x (fractional conversion)') info = 'press any key to continue' pause % put tau and x into one array so disk file % will be in correct format for loading into graphing program u = [tau, x]; info = 'Saving data tab-delimited text file "data01.temp"' % col 1 = tau, col 2 = fractional conversion x. % IMPORT as Text file with Delimeter = Tab save data01.temp u -ascii -tabs info = '*** ex01 finished ***'